Praxis Prep

Monday, 22 May 2017
8:30 am – 4:30 pm
KuC Room 118

Here are two links for night-before and morning-of preparation.

The Praxis Study Companion

Praxis Khan Academy instructional support videos and exercises

I will post codes for the official practice tests late Monday night or early Tuesday morning. They will be in a Google Doc that will require your UA password to open.

For this class, we will use Google Classroom, instead of Blackboard.

Log in using your email address.
You are a student.
The class code is sbj257.

If you have never used Google Classroom before, this is a resource that is available to you as a teacher for LKSD, also. You will experience it here as a student. It is a very basic learning management system (LMS).  I will post all class materials there.

Here is a link to the schedule for today.

Here is a link to the Praxis testing schedule for tomorrow and Wednesday.

